
Build Status

A little Truffle box.

Sounds good? Get it with:

truffle unbox gnosis/lil-box


Deployment Tools

This box comes with a couple of scripts for recording deployment information on your networks. Check this deployment guide for more details.

Linting and Formatting

This box also comes with source code linting provided by ESLint:

npm run lint

and formatting by Prettier:

npm run fmtsrc

Ignored Files/Directories for Different Systems

Both .gitignore and .npmignore are specified in this box.

truffle-local.js is ignored by both Git and NPM, and can contain configuration local to the machine.

The build folder is ignored by Git since build artifacts can be almost entirely reproduced by the local Truffle instance and the contract source code, with the exception of deployment information.

However, the build folder is not ignored by NPM. This means lil-box developers can publish packages on NPM which also contain deployment information. Subsequent users of those packages then have direct access to those deployments.

Also, a .prettierignore instructs Prettier to ignore the outputs of build processes.

NPM prepack Hook

For preparing NPM packages, a prepack hook is included which will lint and format the source, as well as compile Truffle build artifacts and reset the deployment information on these artifacts using the deployment tools.